Privacy Policy

Based on this privacy policy ("Policy"), Atom Company ("Hi Weather") will handle the user information of the Users ("Users") in the service of Hi Weather("Service").

1. Information Hi Weather collects

Hi Weather collects the following types of information (collectively, " User information").

Information and applications you provide Hi Weather directly:

·       Information of account registration

To provide you with the accurate and real-time weather forecasts and get up-to-date information to your notification bar, home screen widgets and weather forecasts according to your exact location, even if the app is closed or not in use, you should allow location permission. it will not be used for other purposes.

User name, e-mail address, and password when an account registered to this Service. User name is required when the other user to identify the user. E-mail address and password will be the information that identifies a user who is required to log in to this Service. In addition, the Hi Weather are subject to deliver the information in this Service to the provided e-mail address, with the exception of the notification e-mail related to the service (Account verification, change/update information of the functions of the service, such as the Notice of technical notification and security), after logging in to this service, it is possible to be released from the settings.

·       Registration information at the time of purchase of photographs

This is the affiliation, name, and address information that the user provides when purchasing photographs. This information is required for processing the transaction by the user.

·       Registration information at the time sale of photographs

The affiliation, e-mail address, name, address, date of birth, phone number, gender, and PayPal email address information provided by the user when selling the photographs. This information is required to pay the user's compensation and create a withholding tax certificate.

·       Public/Post information of the Users

User Content (e.g., images, text, information, user name, profile, link, comments, and other materials) that you post to the Service. It is possible that you want to delete such as the images from the edit page after you log in to this Service. User name, profile, link will be needed when other users to identify the user.

·       The user information at contact us

Contact's name, the reply e-mail address when the user to contact through the inquiry form or the like to the Hi Weather. In principle, after Inquiry, the Hi Weather will delete it in the Hi Weather themselves within three months when the Hi Weather will decide that the inquiry problem was resolved.

·       Current Location

When the User to request the weather forecast of the current location, the Hi Weather might get a current location only when the user permit it. The current location is determined from GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile cellular. On the basis of the current location, and to omit the time and effort of the search to display the weather forecast to the user. Hi Weather does not use User's current location for any other purpose unless Hi Weather gets special permission from User.

·       Current Location by IP address

When the User to use this Service, the Hi Weather might get a very rough current location from the user's IP address. The current location is determined from the IP address the country, rough area, it will be rough latitude and longitude information. On the basis of the rough position information that has been determined from the IP address, and to omit the time and effort of the search to display the weather forecast in the vicinity of directly to the user. In addition, when the Users press the Wow! button of user content, the country in which the user are now displayed along with the user content, tells Wow! from any country has been pushed to other Users.

·       PayPal Email address when donating

When the User donate to the Service with PayPal, the Hi Weather might get a PayPal email address. This information is required to confirm the User, send thanks email, and refund processing.

Analysis data and applications

·       The Hi Weather use third-party analysis tools such as Google Analytics for the Service quality improvement by the user trending. Visit the web page when the Users use this service, residence time, such as frequency of use, the Hi Weather collect this information to help improve the quality of this service by analysis tools. The information analysis tool is statistically treated so that individuals cannot be identified. If you take advantage of third-party analysis tools, it protects the use standards set in the About Cookie.

Cookies and Applications

·       If the User visited this Service, operators may provide a variety of functions of the Service to the User by using the Cookie. Learn About Cookie for more information.

Access log and applications

·       When the Users to use this Service, of this Service the server will automatically record certain access log information. In addition to this access log contains request content and the date and time to the web server, IP address, type of browser / OS, set the browser language, referring / exit page and its URL. The Hi Weather detects the unauthorized use or abuse of the service based on the access log, not only to prevent, to improve the quality of service.

Meta data and applications

·       In general, meaning that the data that is attached to the data and metadata, says that of the additional data that is associated with a certain data.

·       Meta data of this Service will be added to the User content for a User to publish/post, weather information (weather type, temperature, etc.), location information of a photo, comment, tag, date and time. It will match the weather forecast and User photos of this Service using this meta data. In addition, if there is a pre-EXIF information and meta-data in the photo is given to when you post photos, read from this information the location and shooting date and time of the photo automatically, to omit the trouble of input at the time of posting.

2. Provision of the User information

The Hi Weather does not provide the User information to any third party without the prior consent of the Users, except in the following cases:

·       When provided for in laws and regulations;

·       When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, and the consent of the identified individual is difficult to obtain;

·       When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of a juvenile, and the consent of the identified individual is difficult to obtain;

·       When it is necessary to cooperate with the national government, local government, or a person who has been entrusted by those institutions in the duties thereof as specified in laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the identified individual would interfere with the performance of those affairs;

·       When the company merger, corporate split, the successor of the business operators, including the provision of personal information is carried out by the business transfer or other reasons;

·       When the Hi Weather entrusts the handling of User information, within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use prescribed in Article 2;

·       When personally identifiable information is not provided;

·       In cases where an alleged infringement of rights, objection, complaint, or damages claim has been made to our company by a third-party concerning sales contents or related information, etc.

3. How to save the User information

·       User information that has been collected through this service, will be stored and processed in the Amazon Web Service.

·       The Hi Weather use commercially reasonable safeguards to help keep the information collected through the Service secure and take reasonable steps (such as requesting a unique password) to verify your identity before granting you access to your account. However, the Hi Weather cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit to this Service or guarantee that information on the Service may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed.

·       Please do your part to help us. You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your unique password and account information, and for controlling access to emails between you and the Hi Weather, at all times. Your privacy settings are affected by the social media connected to the Service. The Hi Weather shall not be responsible for the services of other companies.

4. Delete the User information

·       If you delete the account of the user of this Service, the user Content of the User, such as account information, all of the information related to the user account will be deleted immediately in principle.

·       If you delete the account of this Service, please note that restoration of user information, including user Content of the user will be difficult.

5. Provision of the User's location data to the third party with special permission

When the User permits to provide the User's data such as location, network, and device to the third party in accordance with a special permission request from the Hi Weather, the Hi Weather collects the User's data that cannot be identified the individual, the Hi Weather might provide the User's data as a marketing data to the third party. This is for Android App only. The User can opt-out at any time from the settings screen in the app, even once the User has allowed to provide the User's data to the third party.

How to opt-out

Hi Weather Android App > Side menu on upper left of the screen > Settings > Providing location data => Turn OFF
The default permission status is Off.
Even if you turn this Off, you can continue to use GPS to search the locations of weather forecast without providing your location data to third party.

When the app collects it.

If you permitted it, the app collects it when the app is in use or running in the background.

How to opt-out

Hi Weather Android App > Side menu on upper left of the screen > Settings > Providing location data => Turn OFF
The default permission status is Off.
Even if you turn this Off, you can continue to use GPS to search the locations of weather forecast without providing your location data to third party.

6. Children's Privacy

This Service does not knowingly collect or solicit any information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register for the Service. The Service and its content are not directed at children under the age of 13. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13 without parental consent, the Hi Weather will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that the Hi Weather might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us.

7. Change to this policy

The Hi Weather may modify or update the Policy from time to time without providing notice to Users, so please review it periodically. The Hi Weather may provide you additional forms of notice of modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances. The modification will become effective once the modified Policy are posted on the Service. Your continued use of this Service after any modification to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such modification.

If you have any questions, please contact us.